Oracle Agente de diagnóstico remoto (RDA) de utilidad
Oracle Remote Diagnostics Agent (RDA) is used primarily by Oracle Support. I've found that this information is very useful and have used to debug issues in my environment. It is a useful utility to me for particular situations.
The utility ships a readme.txt file for both WIndows and Unix that will help get you started. Rather than discuss everything about RDA and analyze the output it provides, I suggest you give it a whirl. Click on this link and you can view the RDA output.
Steps and Commands:
| |
Unzip Files
use Unix/Linux utility
use any Windows utility
Verify Installation
| -cv
rda.cmd -cv
Run Setup
| -S or -S
rda.cmd -S or -S
| -v or -v
rda.cmd -v
To view RDA
Open RDA_INDEX.htm from the RDA output directory
Connection to Database:
Open command prompt.
cmd> set ORACLE_SID=mydb
cmd> sqlplus / as sysdba
cmd> sqlplus / as sysdba
And you will be connected to the database.
Oracle Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) Report Generation:
Note: I am generating RDA Report on Windows for this article.
Unzip Files:
Unzip the downloaded RDA Utility to a directory ( Here E:/rda ).
Read Instructions:
Go to the directory, where we have unzipped the files and we can read the instructions given in the "Readme_O/S.txt" file.
Verify Installation:
Open command prompt and navigate to the RDA directory.
cmd> rda.cmd -cv
Run Setup:
Open command prompt and navigate to the RDA directory.
cmd> rda.cmd -S
The script continues on for many more pages as part of the configuration. Choose the options according to your Report need.
Run RDA:
Open command prompt and navigate to the RDA directory.
cmd> rda.cmd -v
View RDA Report:
Open "RDA__index.htm" from the RDA output directory to view the report.
Our RDA Report has been generated.